Clipart and screen shots from Shenmue 1 & 2 and Skies of Arcadia
Ryo and Joy From Shenmue 2
Ryo and Nazomi from Shenmue
Chai the end boss from Shenmue
Iwao Hazuki,Ryo's Farther
Lan-Di, will Ryo ever get revenge
Ryo as a child
Lishaio-Tao or Xuiaing from Shenmue 2
Ryo and Shen-Hue
Ren, is he really on Ryo's side
Gui-Zang, Master Chens son
Skies of Arcadia
The MoonStone Cannon is the ultimate weapon on Arcadia
The end Boss Rameriz
One really pissed off End Boss
Final Cupil is the most powerful hand weapon in the game.But as Fina is the weakest physicaly it makes her the same as the others.
Final Cupil sucks up the enemy,chews it,then spits it back out.
Enrique's Super Move Judgement is the most powerful in the game
This move summons a dragon through a portal
The portal being opened
This is the Dragon thing
The Dragon crashes to the ground causing 9999 HP which is a massive amount of damage
Enrique's Royal Blade is also extreamly powerful
In this image Enrique is cutting up Rameriz.Even through it uses only 1 more spirit point the Cutlass Fury it does tripple the damage
The end of Royal Blade,Resulting in 6345 HP in damage