Skies of Arcadia
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Skies of Arcadia (RPG/Action/Adventure)
Skies of Arcadia is an epic game with and incredible plot behind it and several twists in the story.The way you use different characters during the game adds veriaty to game play.Being able to have ship battles and hand to hand combat is also great.
The only bad point of the game is that it has an ending.


This is a picture of Akia,Fina Vyse and Cupil.
This image is from the SOA game disk.
  Deep Sky: When going into Deep Sky equip:
3 Archwhale Torpedos and the Pyrel Cannon.
Using these will make the fight much easyer.
The first time you fight De Loco get his HP to just
above half way then wait until you have enough spirit to cast Inream+Drilin.Then on the next round
fire all torpedos and the cannon to hit on the same
round.If he dies you will get an extra Captians Stripe that you wouldn't normally get.

This is a map of Deep Sky that I drew.
Take the 2 pieces of Velorium to Ryo-Kan to have the
best sowrd in the game made for you for free.
Hit%=200 Hit Damage=200
  Final Cupil: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

Screen shot of Final Cupil.

All images/material are copyright of respective creators/owners!